bee removal swarm

Florida Bee Removal Methods You Should Try

Having a bee colony on your property can be concerning. Why? The bees may attack your family members and pets and even damage your property. Plus, the location of the bee hive increases the chances of bee stings for your family and pets. So, it is in your best interest to get rid of bees on your property.

Thankfully, there are so many bee removal methods in Florida, from using smoke to hiring a bee removal service. Do not, however, attempt to remove the bees if you are allergic to bee stings. Hiring a bee removal service can protect you and your family from bee stings.

Want to get rid of bees? Here are Florida bee removal methods you should try:

Use Smoke

Smoke is an effective way of getting rid of bees naturally. Smoke can even help keep the bees away from your property. Bees are sensitive to smell. So, if bees smell smoke, they may believe it is a fire. Smoke causes the bees to leave your property. And they might not come back to your property.

Use an Insecticide

Don’t mind killing bees? Use an insecticide. In fact, it is not easy to get rid of the bees in crevices and wall cracks. These bees can cause serious damage to your property. Once you get an effective insecticide, spray it on areas where the bees go. Remember to seal the crevices and cracks to prevent the bees from coming back.

Use Garlic Spray

Bees do not like the pungent, spicy smell of garlic. And it is easy to use garlic to get rid of bees from your property. This is because you can find everything you need in your home. Place minced or crushed garlic in hot water and leave it overnight. Put the solution into a spray bottle. Spray the mixture directly on the beehive.

Use Mothballs

Mothballs turn into gas and mix with the surrounding air. This is because mothballs change their state directly from solid to gas. The fumes that come off mothballs can repel bees. That is why hanging mothballs near a beehive can help get rid of the bees. The fumes can even kill the bees.

Plant Bee Repelling Plants

Don’t want to kill bees? Plant bee repelling plants on your property. They do not kill bees. They are effective bee deterrents. For instance, citronella, pennyroyal, eucalyptus, neem, cloves, and cloves have strong smells. The smells deter bees. So, they can help keep bees away from your property.

Use vinegar

If you do not want to spend so much money on expensive insecticides, use vinegar to get rid of bees from your property. Vinegar repels bees. It does not kill them. Mix equal parts of vinegar and water. Then, spray the mixture near the hive. You must wear protective gear when spraying the mixture.

Call a Professional

If you want to protect your family and pets and do not want to spend time and money trying these Florida bee removal methods, call a professional bee removal service. Professionals have the expertise and equipment to safely remove bees from your property. They might not even kill the bees. They remove them and transfer them to a different location.

These are the most effective Florida bee removal methods. You can use one or more methods to get rid of bees on your property. It is, however, very important to wear protective gear when removing the bees. If you are allergic to bee stings, call a professional to remove the bees.